Tuesday, May 22, 2012

baby baby baby


Just kidding, I'm not having a baby.  Not literally at least.  (All those of you who actually know me and actually thought I was pregnant, this is a sad commentary on our friendship.)  

BUT very soon I'll be launching (or birthing if you're into extended metaphors) a blog about backpacking Europe! ("Backpacking" in the most ladylike sense of the word, of course).

But, dear blog reader, I have a very important question for you.  How important is it to you to have the option of "following" the blogs you read?  If there was no such option--if every time you read a blog, you had to go straight to the website instead of using Google Reader or the like--would you still read websites that you like?

Also, what kinds of things about Europe would you like to read about?  (Gotta make sure I give the people what they want...)

That is all.  Here's a cool song to listen to while you think and comment below.....  ("What's in it for me," you say?  "Why should I comment," you say?  Because if you do, I will reply with one very nice thing about you.  That's why.)

(Thanks team.)

Just in case anyone's still confused, I am NOT PREGNANT.  Clear?  Good.  :)

EYE UPDATE: After draining my eye last night (sorry for the graphic detail), it's looking pretty good.  At least that's what my good eye tells me.  Kinda hard to know when you have such a biased authority.  I used bright pink blush this morning as eyeshadow so my good eyelid would match the sick one.


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. Travis, because I am an idiot I accidentally deleted your comment. Sorry. See I even still have it: "i, for one, am a big fan of RSS. i have a couple family blogs that i would like to read, but they're locked (for security) from RSS, so i don't really read them except when someone tells me i missed something. so why are you thinking about not using RSS? also, i love your photography and the music that you post, oh, and the fun stories. i think i'd pretty much want the same stuff. "

      Great suggestions. And as for things I like about you: You're like a ninja--unassuming, not looking for praise, and yet you wipe the floor with your web, teaching, rhetorical, artistic, and creative abilities. I shall be contacting you shortly re: RSS....

  2. I have been on the computer basically all day going through slides and flash cards for my midterm and distracting myself with peoples blogs and FB, but that video was the most inspiring thing I have found on the internet today.: D Congrats. I love the song, but I hadn't seen the video until now. I really liked it. Thanks for sharing, Carolyn. Love your blog.

    1. Thanks, Kate, I really like it to! It is inspirational--kinda like you and how you're always smiling!

  3. Wanna know a secret? Even though I have bloglovin and google reader I don't actually use them. Gasp I know. My most favorite blogs I bookmark or type in the address by hand. For your blog I rely on Facebook updates to know when there is a new post.

    And as for backpacking I would love some good stories to go along with the pictures. Especially if you met any interesting people or had any life changing experiences. Oh and good bookstores or restaurants to recommend too.

    1. Great advice, Andrea. I've got lots of good stories to share. Annnd many a bookstore to recommend.

      As for something nice about you, there are too many things. I pick the following: you have an evenness about you that is incredibly calming and peaceful. It appears in your art, in your writing, and in how you treat people, and is one of your most beautiful attributes, I'd say. Also, you've got kickin style (refer to girl in One Direction video.)

  4. Wait... so you are pregnant, right?

  5. I forget about checking blogs if they don't show up in my reader feed. I would love anything you write.

    1. Thanks for the info, Lisa, and for your support!

      And you Lisa, win the award for most graceful woman in the world. I've always admired that so much about you. You grace and kindness is one of the first thing people notice about you. That, and your awesome haircut. :) I'm excited for your Europe travels!

  6. Carolyn! I discovered your blog last week (from your facebook link) and I spent over an hour reading through old posts. I absolutely love the way you write. It is so poetic and makes simple events seem so beautiful. It was great to see what you've been up to as well, since I haven't really since you since HS. Glad to see you are doing well! As far as "following", I used to not care either way, but now I much prefer to "follow" and check on blogger. As far as your backpacking adventures, just keep writing from your happy, creative perspective and I'll be tuning in :)

    1. Yay! I'm glad we're connected on the blog-world now. Thanks for your kind feedback too: I'm with you--I prefer following blogs. There are just too many good ones out there to keep track of them all!

      What I remember about you is that you always took the time to talk to me, even though I wasn't one of your close friends. You are so free with your kindness--that's why so many people love being around you. Enjoy those two adorable boys you have. Holy cow, cutest kids ever.

  7. I totally rely on "following" blogs. And I hope your kid is as cute as some of those we concocted on various baby-maker websites.

    1. Sam, your title is esquire which automatically makes you the coolest, not to mention you are one of the best listeners I know. Plus you give rockin' advice, especially in the realm of baby-making websites. Oh what beauts. :) Thanks for the tip.

  8. Please make it followable. Maybe that isn't a word, but Chrome didn't spellcheck it, so we'll go with it.

  9. I'm a little late on this one, but I think the scales are too heavily in favor of "following" to not weigh in.
    I would have to agree with Andrea for a few reasons. Point one: I'm always a little unsure of how Google Reader (or something like that) actually renders blog posts, so I inevitably end up visiting the blog site when there's something other than text. Point two: I'm generally just a cursory Google Reader--I mostly just use it to see what I've missed when I'm wasting time. On the other hand, when I visit an individual blog (or website or whatever), it's generally with the intention of spending a larger amount of time soaking it all in. A travel blog seems like it might fit the latter category. You don't just want people to "be kept up to date with what happened last year," but to really experience the adventure...

    On the other hand, all blogger sites (or at least the ones I tried to access) are blocked in China. Google Reader isn't (although the pictures don't show up).
