Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Transfer to Lyon

Well here we go. Sister training leader in Lyon. Which is awesome because it's what we guessed after scripture prophecies hahaha. Before every transfer we randomly open the scriptures and whatever verse we land on we try to interpret to guess where we're going. Mine said I'd go to the center, where I would be given half the kingdom or something like that. Hahahaha. Last transfer it was Helaman 1:33 that I would take possession of the city again.

So the pace here is fast fast fast and so far I love it. I was really slowing down in Bayonne. So this is going to be hard and it's going to be wonderful. Essentially what sister training leader means (as far as I've been able to gather) is we do exchanges the whole transfer. We spend the first week together (me and Sister Bichierri, an Italian who is fluent in Spanish and French and Italian obviously and English, German, Chinese, and I think there's one other...Swedish?--she said the trick was just making a bunch of sounds but really just talking with your hands, and then it doesn't matter what you say haha)--anyways we spend the first week together contacting, trying to get as many solid investigators as we can, so that the whole rest of the transfer we'll have people to teach with the sisters who come here for exchanges. And then the rest of the time, all the 11 companionships we're over come in every few days and one sister goes with me and one goes with Sister Bichierri and we teach our amis like that and help train the sister missionaries. Again, especially funny because I speak caveman French most of the time...meaning every moment that I'm not talking about the Gospel with someone who needs the message (those are the moments when the Spirit takes over and I just have to open my mouth and elegant things come out that later I have no idea how to say in French or in English). But anyways, Lyon is a beautiful city, and I am so so happy to be here and so happy to be with Sister Bicchierri. It is her last transfer and she's the best missionary that currently exists in the mission so here we go! I think she's already told me 15 times in the last 4 hours that she loves me. Yep. She's one of those people. The ones that you instantly want to be around and learn from and rely on. Oh want a sweet transfer this will be.

As for leaving bayonne, it's interesting because i knew i was leaving. i felt the mantle of that sweet little town coming up off my shoulders. To the point that last night, soeur swenson (who is going to stay in bayonne with another second transfer bleu) was asking me questions about what she should do for certain amis and for certain members and i literally had no idea. no inklings or inspiration or anything. it's her ville now. and i feel good. i feel like i have done what i could there, and what heavenly father wanted me to do.

Our DMP in Bayonne cried when he was saying goodbye. All he could say was "c'est dommage que vous partissez" (its a shame that you are leaving) then of course i stated crying.

I had a cool contact today on the train. FIVE HOUR LONG CONTACT. it was a guy who was super open to talking and he had question after question about the gospel. I did what I've been practicing: teaching a simple doctrine, then waiting till he asks a question. I gave him the proclamation and also a book of mormon yeah! it was really really a good conversation.

For now, thank you thank you thank you for your letters! I wish I had more time to write letters back. I cherish every word and am so grateful to have friends and family like you all.

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