Monday, June 24, 2013

a lil town called...

New transfer...(drumroll)...and I'm staying in Bayonne! Which let's be real, I love it. I love it because it means I am building real relationships with people out here, and it means I'm starting to get my feet under me, and it means that a little piece of my heart will always be in this place, because it's becoming a little bit of a home for me. And I love having homes around the world. Makes you feel like there are a lot of pieces to your heart. 

And...(drumroll)...I'm training! I'm in Toulouse right now, on my way to Lyon to get a brand-spankin-new missionary, fresh from the Provo MTC. Last transfer, when I got put with Soeur Witt and it was the "we don't speak French and we don't know what we're doing transfer," Spencer said to me, "Oh-ho-ho, you're in TROUBLE!" (It was either that or "Oh-ho-ho you're TOAST!" Same sentiment.) Yeah, so this transfer, I'm really in trouble hahaha. I still don't speak French, I still don't know what I'm doing, except now I get to teach someone else how to speak French and know what they're doing. :) Good thing there's that thing called "prayer" and I can get direction and support and help from heaven.

In other news:

We made some really ugly food this week. Including a cherry pie that was more or less just gelatinous pink stuff on the inside. The members were like, "Well...our son liked it okay..." hahaha

For our train ride to Toulouse, the British/French couple took us to the train station and guess what they brought: McVities...with chocolate! France has McVities (the digestives (cookies) we ate all the time in London), but not dipped in chocolate like they have in London. Anyways they found out how much I love them, and brought us some for the train ride today. Oh how I love that couple. :)

Also, it rains a lot here.
What I learned from this last transfer: not to make people feel like they're getting in the way. How to love people into being awesome. How to contact in a way that's true to myself. How to love people like they're friends and not like they're strangers.

LOVE each and every one of YOU. I've gotten some beautiful letters and some beautiful postcards and some beautiful emails, and oh how you have no idea the hot-air-balloon-of-hope those little things do to lift this lil heart of mine. So thank you thank you thank you, my wonderful wonderful friends.

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